Meet Abianne From CatSprings Yaupon Texas

Lynn Maidment blog Organic Yaupon Tea Canada Yaupon

Abianne CatSpring Yaupon
Grand River Tea is so proud of our relationship with Abianne at CatSpring Yaupon.
CatSpring Yaupon is located in CatSprings Texas USA.  Abianne is the founder.  She began CatSpring Yaupon about ten years ago.  In 2011 there was a severe drought in Texas where everything was dying including old oak trees.   One thing she noticed was that the Yaupon Holly was still green and surviving. 
She discovered that this plant was an indigenous plant which contains caffeine.  Native Americans had been drinking this for thousands of years.   This is how her journey began.
Yaupon is such a special plant.  It's wild grown on ranches in CatSpring Texas where all that touches this beautiful plant is sunshine and rain and maybe the odd cow Abianne says.  They hand harvest all of there yaupon because heavy machinery could damage the land.  This is one of the reason Grand River Tea is supporting CatSpring Yaupon because of the great stewardship of the land.
Next up in our series on Organic Yaupon is we'll be explaining some of the health benefits of this amazing indigenous plant.

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